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I-CHING Hexagram #23
"Splitting Apart"

Ken Keeping quiet, Mountain. K'un The Receptive, Land. The lines of the hexagram depicts a house which roof is about to collapse. The inferior dark powers are about to win over the strength, not by direct methods, but gradually and hardly seen.

It teaches the man that watching carefully diminution and growth, completeness and emptiness, comes from times of rupture. By means of stillness, not undergoing any enterprise, man gets used to times of detriment.

To get started

This is a moment of difficult proofs. Everything seems to have broken, and it seems to be forever. Ordinary things have increased and have become the center of the situation. Now, it is not convenient to start any project. The best thing to do is to stay quiet. Things change; cycles come to an end and start again under better conditions. When this happens, our perspective changes and we move forward confidently.

To end

We are at a stage in which inferior things rule. Around us, everything seems to break into parts, leaving us not too much to do to avoid it. These times are good to plan our future standing in solitude. However, small presents for our-not-so-important things will strengthen our future position. This time of rupture will turn out to be different; everything will come back to its origins and we'll be successful.


It does not further one to go anywhere.

tonalityThrow the coins (i-ching)



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