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Free Love Tarot Reading

Free Love Tarot Reading

Erotic, passionate love is transcendent yet fleeting. Few experiences in life equal the first few weeks and months of romantic love. Extreme passion teaches us about states of pure love. Once you experience this overwhelming, soul shaking state of being, you need not mourn as it slips away and transforms into something different. It is up to each and every one of us to infuse passionate love, affection, and attention into every aspect of our life and relationships long after the flame has flickered. Cultivating this state is a worthy and pleasurable pursuit even when external factors do not push us there. Passion reveals what is possible, not what is sustainable. The Lovers` intensity reminds us of this valuable lesson.

Love Tarot readings will help you find true love. Find out if things are looking rosy or ropey when it comes to romance. Pick your card from the love tarot.

You will be able to analyze in a better way any problem you face with your partner. Enter to Love Tarot, click on any of the 22 major Arcane cards and take each card to one of the houses. There are houses with different topics: communications, partnership, love, present, sex, friendship and dreams.

Very much like love itself the Tarot shows all facets of life. Our love tarot is meant to reflect the emotional dimension of the loving couple.

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