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therapeutic tarot




Therapeutic Tarot delves into your emotional life to uncover what hinders your spiritual evolution and growth, dispelling negative thoughts and energy to help you overcome any form of blockage, weakness, or doubt, while elevating your strengths.

Discover now the healing power of Therapeutic Tarot, a window to the soul that beckons you to explore the depths of your emotional being. In this sacred space, each four-card spread is an introspective journey designed to illuminate the dark corners of your psyche, revealing the invisible chains that restrain your spiritual growth. By banishing the shadows of doubts and fears, this Emotional Healing Reading guides you toward the release of the bonds that limit your potential.

filter_1 First Card: A mirror of the soul that reflects the essence of your present, it asks, "What brings me to this situation?" Uncover the root of your quest, the beginning of your emotional odyssey.
filter_2 Second Card: Like a clock marking the now, it questions, "Why is this happening to me at this precise moment?" Find the hidden meaning behind the time you are living.
filter_3 Third Card: A beacon of hope in the storm, it offers a path of light, "How can I resolve the situation to heal?" It opens pathways to healing and inner peace.
filter_4 Fourth Card: The whisper of ancient wisdom, offering you Advice and Solutions for future events. A guide to navigate the seas of fate with confidence and clarity.

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therapeutic tarot

And in the end, like a secret whispered by the wind, advice that resonates with the vibration of liberation: Find the turning point in your life, that critical instant where change is possible. Move forward with the certainty that you are the architect of your path, the smith of your destiny, and the creator of a grand future. Empower yourself, break the chains of your mental and emotional limitations, and dance to the rhythm of your own song, a melody that leads you to fulfillment and authentic happiness.

Therapeutic Tarot is the whisper of the soul, an intimate dialogue between your being and the universe. It is not merely a method of divination, but a healing journey that invites you to dive into the deep waters of your consciousness. Each card is a mirror reflecting not only your present but also the infinite possibilities of your being.

Therapeutic Tarot does not predict the future; it empowers you to create it, revealing the chains that bind you, the wings you may unfold, and the paths your spirit longs to explore.

With each spread, a story is woven, your story, filled with nuances and shadows, lights and hopes. It is a tool for self-knowledge and transformation, allowing you to converse with your fears and your dreams, to confront your shadows and embrace your light.

Therapeutic Tarot is an act of self-love, a healing ritual that guides you toward acceptance and understanding of your deepest self. It is a pilgrimage to the center of your heart, where answers lie waiting to be discovered, where truth unfolds with the delicacy of a flower under the dawn's sun.

In the stillness of contemplation, the cards become keys that open doors to hidden dimensions of your existence, inviting you to cross the threshold into a sacred space where you can find yourself, reinvent yourself, and be reborn. Therapeutic Tarot is, in essence, a caress to the soul, a song of freedom that allows you to soar to the highest expression of your being.


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Ask the Tarot

Think and write what concerns you. Ask open-ended questions. The Tarot will give you a response so that we can make appropriate decisions and solve problems

Love Tarot

Love Tarot reading will help you find true love. You will be able to analyze in a better way any problems you face with your partner.

Celtic Cross Tarot

The Celtic Cross Tarot reading is probably the oldest and most popular pattern for tarot reading. It has survived so long, because the layout of the cards is simple but powerful. A strong energy has built up around ...

Tarot Past, Present and Future

The analysis of any subject, when time plays an important role, can be carried out through this specific tarot reading.