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I-CHING Hexagram #4
"Youthful Folly"

Ken Keep calm, Mountain. K'an The Abyss, Water.

It shows the man, first, confussion; then brightness. Thanks to his paying attention to the process and his education, man can see what black depicted things are. Foolishness is quietness when facing danger.

To get started

This is a period in which confussion prevails, and starts to spread little by little. We don't know very well where to concentrate all our energies, which, by the way, is a lot, but it is almost in chaos. So, it will be necessary to take part in a more determined way when we face risk, that is to say, do something, get out of it! How is it done? Asking for an advice to more experienced people, although not trusting too much, so far, but in our intuition.

To end

We will have dilemmas to deal with. At first, there will be turmoil. Danger's appearance will leave us motionless. But don't desperate; look for help in the form of advice. Remember learned concepts. Think carefully about our future actions. There will be success.


Youthful folly has success. - It is not I who seek the young fool; - The young fool seeks me. - At the first oracle I inform him. - If he asks two or three times, it is importunity. - If he importunes, I give him no information. - Perseverance furthers.

tonalityThrow the coins (i-ching)



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