



Tarot Deck

Tarot Six of Swords

This card represents a boring, apthetic state. Nothing is seriously wrong, but nothing is really good either. You're leaving, but you're not thriving. In the picture the figures on the boat seem sad and unhooked

In a more positive vein, the Six of Swords may indicate recovery. This is especially true when you have just experienced a difficult moment or a psychological stroke. During the crisis, you felt numb and disconnected; nothing mattered at all. Now you're starting to heal and collect the pieces of your life. Travelers on our boat are at least advancing. They are heading towards a new place, even if they are not yet ready to enthusiastically embrace those shores.

In fact, the Six of Swords can indicate trips and movements of all kinds. This could mean a real change of scene, relocation, or travel, but not necessarily. A journey can also take place on the inner planes as we move from one state of mind to another.

Although the Six of Swords does not promise great joy, it also avoids the depths of despair. It is not a bottomless pit, but simply a hollow or depression. When you see this card, know that although the situation is not ideal, it is moving towards a more positive place. Change is in the air, and new, more hopeful conditions are yet to come.

This card symbolizes the withdrawal. Sometimes we need to move away from a situation in order to cope with it. There are those who consider it a flight, but many battles have been won by armies that retreated in order to reorganize, and then launch again on the enemy strength. Withdrawal is no shame if at that time we believe it is best for us.

Sugerencias de Tarot Six of Swords:

Aspectos negativos de Tarot Six of Swords

Static thinking, does not seek

Palabras claves de Tarot Six of Swords

Reflect carefully, spontaneous thinking, inspiration, suggestion, journey

Unique tarot deck LosArcanos.com

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Two of Cups

Three of Cups

Four of Cups

Five of Cups

Six of Cups

Eight of Cups

Nine of Cups

Ten of Cups

Page of Cups

Queen of Cups

King of Cups

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