



Tarot Deck

Tarot Five of Pentacles

The two figures of the Five of Pentacles are cold, hungry, tired, sick, and poor. They show us what it feels like to be wrong, to lack the basic ingredients of life. This is the spectrum that lurks so many in our world, a reality that is too immediate. It is possible that those of us who are more fortunate have not experienced this end, but we still recognize suffering. When we don't have what we want and need, it hurts.

In readings, the Five of Pentacles can represent several types of lack. First, there is poor health. It is difficult to face the challenges of life when we do not have our vitality and strength. This card may be a sign that you are neglecting your body's needs. You are moving away from complete physical well-being, so you need to take steps to find out and correct the problem.

This card can also be a sign of material and economic setbacks. There is no doubt that life is tougher when we lack money or decent work. When we fight to reach the end of the month, all the other problems are magnified. Even if we feel comfortable, we may feel insecure, fearful that misfortune will take away everything we have worked for.

Five of Pentacles may also represent rejection or lack of acceptance. We are social animals and we feel pain when we are excluded from our group. We want to be included, not only for our emotional well-being, but also for mutual support. Being rejected can also mean physical difficulties.

Five of Pentacles is related to material lack, but it also has a spiritual component. From the stained glass window, we can guess that these two figures are outside a church. Comfort is so close, but they don't see it. The church symbolizes our spirits that are perfect and complete in every way. We are destined to enjoy abundance in all areas of life, but sometimes we forget that this is our birthright. Whenever you experience difficulties, know that it is only temporary. Look for the spiritual center that will welcome you and give you shelter.

Sugerencias de Tarot Five of Pentacles:

Aspectos negativos de Tarot Five of Pentacles

Poverty, seek compassion, blame others or circumstances, lack of self-esteem, look for someone to care for, unexpected expenses.

Palabras claves de Tarot Five of Pentacles

Necessity, weakness, social limitation.

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