



Tarot Deck

Tarot the Ace of Swords

The Ace of Swords is a symbol of possibility in the area of intelligence, reason, justice, truth, clarity and strength. In the readings, it shows that a seed of clear understanding has been planted in your life, although you may not yet recognize it. When the seed sprouts, it can take almost any shape. It can be a convincing idea, the desire for truth, the call for justice or the need to be honest. Outside, it could be an offer, a gift, an opportunity, a meeting or a synchronous event.

Sometimes this Ace represents a challenge that will test you in some way. Life never goes smoothly for long. Sooner or later an obstacle appears, and the Ace of Spades can tell you when one will come. This card is also a reminder for you to face your challenge, whatever, with courage, honesty and firm resolve. In every challenge, there is opportunity.

When you see the Ace of Swords, examine your life to see how your clean, sharp energy could work for you. Think about your problem objectively. Look for situations that are unfair or confusing and resolve to correct them. Above all, commit to be honest and ethical. This card tells you that you have the internal resources to overcome all obstacles and find the truth of your situation. That's the promise of the ace of swords.

The Ace of Swords symbolizes the purest form of the Air element. Air represents the mental body (thoughts) and the nervous system. Air is rational, it's the target world. Thus, this card embodies a rupture in the mental plane. The sword represents thoughts, while clouds symbolize negative feelings.
Ace of Spades distinguishes, separates and orders to clarify our situation

Sugerencias de Tarot the Ace of Swords:

Aspectos negativos de Tarot the Ace of Swords

Self-limiting thoughts, inability to think clearly, communication problems, too analytical, can not concentrate.

Palabras claves de Tarot the Ace of Swords

Determination, excalibur, intelligence, speed, insight, penetration, wind, victory

Unique tarot deck LosArcanos.com

The Fool

The Magician

The High Priestess

The Empress

The Emperor

The Hierophant

The Lovers

The Chariot


The Hermit

Wheel of Fortune


The Hanged Man



The Devil

The Tower

The Star

The Moon

The Sun


The World

Ace of Swords

Two of Swords

Three of Swords

Four of Swords

Five of Swords

Six of Swords

Seven of Swords

Eight of Swords

Nine of Swords

Page of Swords

Queen of Swords

Ace of Pentacles

Two of Pentacles

Three of Pentacles

Four of Pentacles

Five of Pentacles

Six of Pentacles

Seven of Pentacles

Nine of Pentacles

Page of Pentacles

Knight of Pentacles

Queen of Pentacles

King of Pentacles

Ace of Wands

Two of Wands

Three of Wands

Four of Wands

Five of Wands

Six of Wands

Seven of Wands

Eight of Wands

Nine of Wands

Ten of Wands

Page of Wands

Knight of Wands

Queen of Wands

King of Wands

Ace of Cups

Two of Cups

Three of Cups

Four of Cups

Five of Cups

Six of Cups

Eight of Cups

Nine of Cups

Ten of Cups

Page of Cups

Queen of Cups

King of Cups

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