Birth in the family.
The arrival of a great love or a soul mate.
Award and Glory to
It's a very good combination, it indicates that what we plan will work out.
Great happiness.
It tells you
that sooner or later he will call you, that there is nothing to worry about.
We find one of the best combinations that can occur in a tarot roll, since both cards represent good predictions for the person consulting.
For its part, The Star symbolizes hope and good faith, while The Sun is nothing more than food for life, total success and absolute triumph, but we must always take into account the other cards that surround it when reading tarot.
It is the opportunity to get the most out of the circumstances that are going to be experienced, remembering that there are things that happen only once in a lifetime, and that is why we must grasp them when they arise.
When a question is asked to the cards and The Star and The Sun come out, it is the best of omens, regardless of the subject for which the tarot was consulted.
It means that we have the inspiration, but not the luck, for now.
It comes out of a pothole.
Negativity, infidelity, depression, discouragement, sadness, insecurity
It is, together with the World, the luckiest card in the deck and the most comforting. The Sun is a chart of achievement of our projects. Good luck illuminates our destiny and in the next steps we will be illuminated by the light that blesses our path. El Sol warns about successful projects, the signing of professional agreements that are very favorable to our interests. It is also a card that refers to marital happiness. The relationship with our partner will work much better than now. It can refer to children and to happiness with and thanks to them. A positive time is before us. The Sun smiles at us, we should not be afraid. Finally, it can refer to the way out of a time of darkness, exultant recovery after some moments that we can consider negative. It can simply refer to a trip close to the Sun, perhaps a vacation on the beach.
Enjoy your joy to the full and don't create any cause for concern. Places: Places open, exposed to the sun, deserts, beaches.
Number 100, Sigel Rune (Victory), Hebrew letter Cof (axe), astrological element GEMINI, color one flame of fire or the akasha.
The Star is a card that above all signifies hope for what is to come. It is one of the most important cards favorable possible and its message is that of “you will get what you want in the future”. The Star card warns of a good end to our desires, sometimes because of help unexpected, last-minute. The angelic air persists throughout the representation of the card: your angel of guard will conspire in your favor. The Star is also a card of balance and harmony. A wise approach to our future, to know coordinate our earthly life with our spiritual life. The letter, in short, usually sends a message of hope, optimism and the future. promising.
Don't give up hope. He is following the right path; heaven helps him. Remember that the more the more you will receive in return.
Number 80, Runa Lagaz (the water of life), Hebrew letter Pe (Communication, Manifestation), element astrological VENUS, dark green.
Think and write what concerns you. Ask open-ended questions. The Tarot will give you a response so that we can make appropriate decisions and solve problems
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earn the basic meanings of Tarot reading through explanations of the Major Arcane, Minor Arcane and Court cards in Thirteen`s Tarot Card Meanings.