It indicates that not at first, but then it will make it easy for him.
Success and inspiration.
A couple
that is karmically united and that it also harmonizes in sexuality and actions.
It predicts important, stable emotional relationships full of optimism and energy.
We will be anxious to enter a new company or open a new business to feel the generosity that comes to us, through our own efforts.
Understood and supported by our own, we will clarify what, with force, distracts us at some point.
Advice; It will never be a good time to drown out our strength.
These cards represent an excellent combination in the tarot, with which you have the confidence, vitality, self-control and spiritual strength that you might need.
In addition, there is sensitivity, empathy, hope and a very possible internal renewal, and these are the virtues that both Arcana presage for the consultant.
The universal energies are working in your favor, follow your path safely.
It is predicted that in the near future, we will enter into a cycle marked by full harmony with the environment, the possibilities of communication and understanding with the people around the consultant will be very positive and the plans will have all the ingredients to be carried out.
This tarot roll predicts the fulfillment of some of the most intimate desires and satisfaction will exceed all expectations that were had in this regard.
Indicates that we have to wait a while to fulfill our wishes. You are suffering for those who don't deserve it
Hope is restored.
Discouragement and lack of inspiration.
The Star is a card that above all signifies hope for what is to come. It is one of the most important cards favorable possible and its message is that of “you will get what you want in the future”. The Star card warns of a good end to our desires, sometimes because of help unexpected, last-minute. The angelic air persists throughout the representation of the card: your angel of guard will conspire in your favor. The Star is also a card of balance and harmony. A wise approach to our future, to know coordinate our earthly life with our spiritual life. The letter, in short, usually sends a message of hope, optimism and the future. promising.
Don't give up hope. He is following the right path; heaven helps him. Remember that the more the more you will receive in return.
Number 80, Runa Lagaz (the water of life), Hebrew letter Pe (Communication, Manifestation), element astrological VENUS, dark green.
The meaning of this card is quite clear: strength in every possible sense. This is a person, probably The Consultant, who has the energy needed to lead others, start projects, create a forward movement. Courage and energy are its main attributes. The Force manages to unite mind and body, satisfy both, unite them and bring them together to achieve their objectives. This letter also refers to the most animal instincts in human beings: aggressiveness and sexuality and lust. The Force card can be seen as the sum of the Wizard and the sensuality of the Empress. It can alert you to a great desire to start a sexual relationship, to let yourself be abandoned by the senses. Of course, the menu for animal lovers, especially felines, also fits. The letter usually warns of the need to act without delay, without fear or absurd doubts. Advice from the Arcanum: Act alone, without hesitation; decide forcefully, wary of the protection of the powerful. Venues: Theaters, stages, places facing south, hot countries, deserts, sunny beaches, castles, parks. AFFECTIVE PLANE: Passion and tenacity in feelings, love, courtship, wedding, constructive insertion in a group or in a family. The consultant should have no doubt about the fidelity and sincerity of your partner. Intense and satisfying sexual activity. PROFESSIONAL LEVEL: New professional relationships are expected for the future; team activities, professions related to tourism and entertainment. Even if the work is heavy, it will be necessary try your best, without stopping trying anything. ECONOMIC PLAN: Commercial successes, lucky speculations, gambling profits. It is recommended persevere in negotiations or invest capital in gold or actions related to tourism and show. Decisions that must be taken without delay. HEALTH: Excellent health, energy that circulates well, vitality, resistance to disease. PERSONAL TYPE: An intrepid, disciplined and fair person between the ages of twenty and forty; an influential woman, willing to offer her help. A celebrity, an actor, an artist, a boss, a leader, a judge, an arbitrator. Children, teenagers, young people.
Number 20, Runa Tyr (victory), Hebrew letter Caf (power), astrological element LEO, color orange brilliant.
Love Tarot reading will help you find true love. You will be able to analyze in a better way any problems you face with your partner.
Tarot reading in favor and against shows the two different ways that a given situation has and which aspects are in favor and which ones are against
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