Great inspirations, artistic abilities, a person conceives unjustified doubts, anxiety, turmoil, sadness.
When the Star and the Moon come out in the tarot roll, it means that you are going through difficult moments in the emotional field, although it is being given more importance than in the end it will have what worries the consultant.
This combination predicts that you will begin to have doubts about the subject by consulting, you will lack security and confidence in your own possibilities of taking forward that issue that has led you to consult the tarot.
It is true that there are situations and facts that are unknown and that are fundamental to being able to understand what surrounds them, they are people who talk behind the consultant's back, secrets and events that have occurred and that the consultant does not know.
But, everything will come, the truth will come to light, as predicted by The Star and The Moon in the tarot, and with all that information, a more accurate decision can be made that the cards indicate will be the most beneficial.
When faced with questions related to love or whatever topic it may be, this combination of major arcana means rebirth after knowledge, because despite the occult that The Moon indicates, the Star card will illuminate the way.
Tension, pain caused by deception, indicate that there will be something with him but much later on, now is not the time.
We finally broke out of a love that was hurting us
Bad time for a relationship.
The Star is a card that above all signifies hope for what is to come. It is one of the most important cards favorable possible and its message is that of “you will get what you want in the future”. The Star card warns of a good end to our desires, sometimes because of help unexpected, last-minute. The angelic air persists throughout the representation of the card: your angel of guard will conspire in your favor. The Star is also a card of balance and harmony. A wise approach to our future, to know coordinate our earthly life with our spiritual life. The letter, in short, usually sends a message of hope, optimism and the future. promising.
Don't give up hope. He is following the right path; heaven helps him. Remember that the more the more you will receive in return.
Number 80, Runa Lagaz (the water of life), Hebrew letter Pe (Communication, Manifestation), element astrological VENUS, dark green.
Enemies. The Moon is the card of the occult, the unknown and the unknown. It may in that sense reflect deception, concealments, lies, hidden enemies. But also refer to the world of the unconscious: forces psychics who escape reason and who get us out of control. Inner fears. The Moon represents our fears or false illusions: to the dark, to the night, to animals, ourselves. It's easy to lose our way in the moonlight. Make sure that the disappointments and false ideas don't guide your path. Sometimes the Moon is a sign that you are lost and wandering around without courage. You must find your firm path and clarity in your purpose. Psychism. It is a very feminine card, indicating behavior sometimes irrational, always very emotional, of women when they are under pressure. This emotionality and superior capacity can to be exploited in the world of the sciences of the soul: visions that escape reason, the psyche, the clairvoyance. Long trips. The letter may refer to a long-distance trip across the sea. The consequences in They themselves are unknown. The night. The letter refers to everything related to the night. It can mean, in that sense, to know your partner on a night out, or that it's a person who works at night. Motherhood. It is a maternity letter and can indicate pregnancies. It is very difficult to convey the true meaning of the Arcanum THE MOON. Not because it is very complicated in itself, but because the interlocutor easily refuses to accept that Your feelings have played tricks on you
Rely on intuition. Observe, listen and know how to be silent. Locations: Town Halls, public places, museums, bars, restaurants, hotels. Thermal establishments or spas. Places dark, disreputable. Rainy regions, marine locations, oceans, rivers, lakes, ponds; roads, beaches, breakwaters.
Number 90, Runa Algiz and Othel (Protection), Hebrew letter Tsade (the roof), astrological element CANCER, color WHITE.
Love Tarot reading will help you find true love. You will be able to analyze in a better way any problems you face with your partner.
We all have or have had inside us unresolved feelings even though sometimes we are not aware of them. Inconveniences, difficulties and complications ...
The analysis of any subject, when time plays an important role, can be carried out through this specific tarot reading.
Select which Tarot card the following description corresponds to