This is one of the most positive and fortunate combinations, allowing you to achieve all the things you've always dreamed of.
Luck will be on your side as long as you live, and success probably isn't far off.
In addition to this, your charisma and charm will make you irresistible even to people who seem impossible to conquer.
It symbolizes positive, transcendental changes, which affirm moments of great well-being, it is energy and time well spent, as well as lucky destinations.
The arcana announce rewards that are achieved through their own merits and scenarios that are shaped to experience breaths of well-deserved happiness, in addition to victories and total success.
They talk about universal ordination ideal to be worth a great opportunity that presents itself, which is why the individual aspires to live and to try the joys, as well as the wonderful pleasures of the present that glorifies.
Changes that lead to absolute success, celebration of change, inevitable joy of destiny.
A good result is delayed
Indicates that a person is finally taking the necessary “step” in a relationship.
The relationship is going through a bad time
It is, together with the World, the luckiest card in the deck and the most comforting. The Sun is a chart of achievement of our projects. Good luck illuminates our destiny and in the next steps we will be illuminated by the light that blesses our path. El Sol warns about successful projects, the signing of professional agreements that are very favorable to our interests. It is also a card that refers to marital happiness. The relationship with our partner will work much better than now. It can refer to children and to happiness with and thanks to them. A positive time is before us. The Sun smiles at us, we should not be afraid. Finally, it can refer to the way out of a time of darkness, exultant recovery after some moments that we can consider negative. It can simply refer to a trip close to the Sun, perhaps a vacation on the beach.
Enjoy your joy to the full and don't create any cause for concern. Places: Places open, exposed to the sun, deserts, beaches.
Number 100, Sigel Rune (Victory), Hebrew letter Cof (axe), astrological element GEMINI, color one flame of fire or the akasha.
The Wheel of Fortune warns of important changes in the future. Faced with these changes, our The situation can be like that of any of the creatures that perch in it: we can go out benefited and go up, we can be harmed and go down or maybe stay in our position. The exchange situation is going to happen. Faced with it, we must be prepared, depending on our situation. consider if we can only hope to stay where we were. Or maybe it's the big opportunity that we always longed for. The Wheel is going to turn and it's important to realize that opportunity. In many cases it can refer to an event that we see that we are predestined to. By For example, because of an experience that we have experienced many times in dreams and towards which we feel that we are guide our lives. The Wheel is indicating that that time is going to come. In the same way, you can find a partner that you feel is “the chosen one”, a great person compatibility. This feeling, rather than compatibility itself, is what alerts the Wheel of Luck. It can also mean a stroke of luck, a lottery prize.
Number 10, Rune Perth (luck), Hebrew letter Yod (the original point, ensof), element astrological CAPRICORN, dark brown.
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The Celtic Cross Tarot reading is probably the oldest and most popular pattern for tarot reading. It has survived so long, because the layout of the cards is simple but powerful. A strong energy has built up around ...
Kabbalah tarot reading is a group of mystical concepts that precede any religions and it is considered a revelation from God to mankind.