You will now enjoy greater freedom and independence.
Actions that will bring luck to your side.
Temporary work.
New developments,
new friendships.
Well-paid work.
Recovering health.
We have the power to change our
He loves you and that your relationship will get better.
Someone changes our life.
The combination of triumph and positive agreements are the best omens that these arcana reveal in the tarot string.
The initiative and the beginning of the new experiences announced by the Arcanum of the Wizard are complemented by the great opportunities and the constant evolutionary cycle that the Arcanum of the Wheel of Fortune anticipates.
These cards together talk about lucky breaks and the opportunities that life puts in front of people.
The arcana express the perfect moment to address any life circumstance, accept the job that was expected, firsts to meet the ideal partner, be more communicative in intrapersonal relationships and, above all, demonstrate attitudes and aptitudes suitable for the emotional stability of the person.
This combination of the Wizard and The Wheel of Fortune reveals spiritual alternations that are easily adapted to life scenarios, since one has full knowledge and confidence in emotions.
An issue that is not progressing.
A person who is not very reliable becomes more honest.
The Wheel of Fortune warns of important changes in the future. Faced with these changes, our The situation can be like that of any of the creatures that perch in it: we can go out benefited and go up, we can be harmed and go down or maybe stay in our position. The exchange situation is going to happen. Faced with it, we must be prepared, depending on our situation. consider if we can only hope to stay where we were. Or maybe it's the big opportunity that we always longed for. The Wheel is going to turn and it's important to realize that opportunity. In many cases it can refer to an event that we see that we are predestined to. By For example, because of an experience that we have experienced many times in dreams and towards which we feel that we are guide our lives. The Wheel is indicating that that time is going to come. In the same way, you can find a partner that you feel is “the chosen one”, a great person compatibility. This feeling, rather than compatibility itself, is what alerts the Wheel of Luck. It can also mean a stroke of luck, a lottery prize.
Number 10, Rune Perth (luck), Hebrew letter Yod (the original point, ensof), element astrological CAPRICORN, dark brown.
Everything in the first of the twenty-two major arcana, marked by the element Fire, seems to speak of creative impulse, of initial energy, of rapid and almost immediate action. Indeed, it embodies the ideal Renaissance of the man architect and owner of his own destiny, capable of dominating matter thanks to the use intelligent of the psychic force. Symbol of a strong and defined personality, which represents someone willing to face everything, skillfully and with ease of speech. You can also refer to everything type of initiatives that will bring future success. Its qualities are diplomacy, agility, spontaneity and speed. Someone who is fully aware of what he's doing.
Be confident in your abilities and follow the momentum without hesitation. Don't uselessly waste a precious time. Venues: Streets, squares, stadiums, sports fields, workshops.
Number 1, Runa Mannaz (the conscious self), Hebrew letter Alef (the man), astrological element THE SUN (the raw material from the alchemists), golden color.
We all have or have had inside us unresolved feelings even though sometimes we are not aware of them. Inconveniences, difficulties and complications ...
If the Moon has a lot of influence over you, this is the best moment to know the mysteries of your personal interiority and help you take the right decisions by Tarot reading of the moon
The analysis of any subject, when time plays an important role, can be carried out through this specific tarot reading.
Kabbalah tarot reading is a group of mystical concepts that precede any religions and it is considered a revelation from God to mankind.