A indicates that it will be soon and with the help of a skillful and kind woman.
It is necessary
concentrate and wait.
Higher studies.
A wise woman finds a practical companion and
sensitive that complements it.
They say he will come back.
Success, solution, our problems that seemed
stalled now begin to be resolved, albeit little by little.
The encounter between The Wizard and The Papisa in the same roll of the cards has a double reading, depending on the meaning of the question that has been asked to the tarot.
First of all, it apparently has an indefinite meaning.
While The Magician is an Arcanum full of positivity, the Pope will have it only in relation to the question that began the reading.
Secondly, both cards could be complementary.
The Papisa has characteristics that resemble the Magician, even though it is defined by two exclusive energies.
Therefore, if the question is about a couple or about love in general, the answer is positive, since the meaning of the combination Magician and High Priestess indicates situations that flourish.
You may be experiencing a period of transition and you may have a love offer before you.
Even though you're interested, you're taking your time to thoughtfully appreciate your options.
From the inside you feel the urge to take the plunge and embark on the journey of love, but on the other hand you don't dare out of fear.
Watch this carefully, if the letter from the Pope reaches your right, you are almost obliged to give in to the opportunity.
You have a very sure guarantee of happiness ahead of you.
In contrast, if the card is reversed, the most appropriate thing would be to let go of the offer, despite all appearances.
You don't have any future, in the relationship, that person won't know how to appreciate your feelings, they'll be more to use you and won't provide you with any stability.
The security you have in yourself and your emotional maturity will be your best guarantees.
The Magician and the Pope indicate that you take the momentum and maintain the serenity you need to make your best decisions.
A lying man who can't cheat on his partner.
You will find work but someone envious will hinder you. What a A wise woman is tempted by a man who doesn't deserve her and doesn't respect her.
Pareja Mal Avenida
Everything in the first of the twenty-two major arcana, marked by the element Fire, seems to speak of creative impulse, of initial energy, of rapid and almost immediate action. Indeed, it embodies the ideal Renaissance of the man architect and owner of his own destiny, capable of dominating matter thanks to the use intelligent of the psychic force. Symbol of a strong and defined personality, which represents someone willing to face everything, skillfully and with ease of speech. You can also refer to everything type of initiatives that will bring future success. Its qualities are diplomacy, agility, spontaneity and speed. Someone who is fully aware of what he's doing.
Be confident in your abilities and follow the momentum without hesitation. Don't uselessly waste a precious time. Venues: Streets, squares, stadiums, sports fields, workshops.
Number 1, Runa Mannaz (the conscious self), Hebrew letter Alef (the man), astrological element THE SUN (the raw material from the alchemists), golden color.
The letter of the Priestess usually has the meaning of a withdrawal from material world into one's own interior, to reflection and study. The references to fertility are numerous and it bodes very well for those seeking to stay. pregnant women. A pregnancy is an exit from the world into one's own interior: for a woman in her state A new world is within them. The letter is the one from the study: concerns about exams, reading of texts or books. The letter always suggests effort and staying away from distractions. In an emotional matter, the Priestess evokes a time of solitude in which a woman of form Volunteer decides to dispense with romantic relationships. She has to be reunited with herself. The letter is that of secrets that must be kept at all costs. The High Priestess is a woman who knows how to keep the confidants transmitted to him. As a person she is a maternal figure or even that of a grandmother. The Priestess can be a lonely woman, without a partner. This letter carries a great message for those who suffer from dreams or nightmares repeated. It invokes the spiritual search for the ultimate meanings of those dreamlike manifestations. “What is it that your unconscious is hiding”? asks us, “seek to know yourself”, it encourages us. The repeated appearance of the major arcane The priestess may be wanting to indicate the need for engage in some kind of disciplined spiritual activity, such as meditation.
The consultant must be guided by his intuition and act discreetly.
Number 2, Runa Uruz (The Fertilizing Energy), Hebrew letter Beth (the house), astrological element THE MOON, light gray color.
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