Magician and The High Priest is someone who is in love and sensitive.
You probably feel more than friendship, but you should
wait for events and not force them.
Group advice, sincere friend.
A person will help you to
achieve your goals, work in public places such as schools, universities, institutes or
administration in general.
I also work in a large company or organization.
The arrival of someone
special, very special.
The Magician and the Priest combined tell us about a young but mature man.
We begin a relationship with a person who is a little older in terms of their evolution, who will undoubtedly lead us to a successful conclusion.
At work, he talks to us about a promotion or a well-paid job.
Beginnings of stable situations.
He advises us to look for a specialized person who can advise us on our problem.
The need to study or to specialize in our work.
We need to see a doctor dedicated to a specific specialty.
It also represents lawyers, priests, bankers and medical specialists.
In love, if we have a partner, it is a quiet, faithful, affectionate and traditional love.
If we don't have a partner, we start a relationship with someone a little older than us, who takes things slow and who wants a stable and lasting relationship.
At work, if we have a job, it's a quiet, stable, prestigious job, for which we need experience and wisdom.
If we don't have a job, we quickly start working in a stable job, for which we are fully qualified.
Personally, he is a wise or specialized person, who tries to teach his wisdom and who gives good advice.
In the economy, we started a stable economy and we are going to be able to control very well where our money goes.
Tradition, lack of center, conformity, lost inner voice, morality, repressed feelings, ethics.
Rebellion, lack of center, subversion, lost inner voice, lost inner voice, new approaches, repressed feelings.
Everything in the first of the twenty-two major arcana, marked by the element Fire, seems to speak of creative impulse, of initial energy, of rapid and almost immediate action. Indeed, it embodies the ideal Renaissance of the man architect and owner of his own destiny, capable of dominating matter thanks to the use intelligent of the psychic force. Symbol of a strong and defined personality, which represents someone willing to face everything, skillfully and with ease of speech. You can also refer to everything type of initiatives that will bring future success. Its qualities are diplomacy, agility, spontaneity and speed. Someone who is fully aware of what he's doing.
Be confident in your abilities and follow the momentum without hesitation. Don't uselessly waste a precious time. Venues: Streets, squares, stadiums, sports fields, workshops.
Number 1, Runa Mannaz (the conscious self), Hebrew letter Alef (the man), astrological element THE SUN (the raw material from the alchemists), golden color.
The letter is closely linked to orthodox religion and theology, as well as in representation of traditional education, the man of high social position. These are the superficial meanings of this letter, because The Pope represents an entire biblical story of the creation of man and woman by part of God. It is also commonly related to the power that is exercised over others. “Hierophant” literally means “the one who teaches holy things”. It also represents individuation, the point at which the child begins to understand the limits between the self and others, the family and the community, me and you. And the point at which the individual begins to consciously construct their own identity, unconsciously, or under the influence of outside forces. It also talks about an alliance, and depending on the surrounding cards it may indicate marriage. The Pope is the teacher, the teaching, the knowledge in any field, he applies firmly. Indicate the teacher, the guide. This letter usually comes out when looking for a teacher. Ritual magic. The protocol. Social forms and norms. Education and culture.
Number 5, Runa Raido (the Cosmic Law), Hebrew letter Hei (action), astrological element MERCURY, color Sky blue. In numerology it represents the number 5: It is the aspiration to knowledge, the path of wisdom is the sum of 2 + 3 (duality + the harmony and balance of opposites).
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