In general, this combination indicates the very abrupt passage of a situation of
stability in the matter for which you were asking a situation of extreme instability and of the fall of
all the schemes.
We must be very cautious, since the change is too abrupt.
Destruction of plans and projects.
Love: If you already have a partner talk about a clear breakup or important fights and arguments due to the
the imposition of one's criteria over those of the other.
If you are not in a relationship, this combination speaks of a
very negative situation in our feelings that is going to collapse and that will give way to a situation
Health: You can talk about admission to the hospital or an accident that will affect the head, neck or back.
Money: we will move from a situation of great purchasing power to one of ruin.
It is possible that debts
they can with us or that we have significant business losses.
Work: at the work level it tells us about the loss of a job where we had an important position and
this will negatively affect all areas of our lives.
If you don't have a job he talks to you about what
For now you won't find it.
In love inadvisable
It is a rather negative omen, it speaks of a person with power in our life to harm. It would also be a no.
A relationship suffers a serious setback. A good but complicated man.
It is possibly the most negative card in the entire Tarot. Rarely will the Tower card have a positive meaning. This is a difficult letter. It indicates the rapid and definitive change in a relationship from someone who once was loved. It indicates divorce, infidelity, a large number of sexual problems, venereal diseases, and probably impotence. This is one of the most problematic cards and it would be better if it never appeared! This letter can be summarized as “The End of the World as You Know It”. Something quite negative will probably happen: an accident, the death of a family member, being fired from work, a painful emotional break. At best, the letter warns of the abrupt end of something, which might not be positive. You can it is the termination of a stormy love relationship, or an illness that forces a operation. In some cases the final result may be positive (even very positive) but so In general, this is an abrupt and unwanted change. You may also want to refer to a sudden burst of energy. The figure of the Tower has sexual connotations and can refer to the explosion with which orgasm comes.
Avoid any risky attempts. Danger in sight: Turn back and start from zero quickly to avoid the worst. Places: Ruins, walls, remains of old castles.
Number 70, Runa Fehu (Primal Energy), Hebrew letter Hayin (Providence), Aries astrological element, Vermilion color
The emperor symbolizes the desire for control over the environment, and its appearance in a reading often suggests that the subject must accept that some things cannot be controllable, and others cannot benefit from being controlled. As with all Tarot cards, multiple meanings are possible. While the Empress It is the feminine principle, the Emperor is the masculine one. Most individuals relate to this letter in the same way that they relate to their own father. Becoming something, getting to know something and being capable of something is what gives a person authority. Preserving inner balance and inexhaustible wealth, you must extract only the necessary things, so much spiritual as material. Spiritually, aim for higher goals. Mentally, build a logical and practical set of plans. Physically, act on objectives and plans. Emotionally, use courage to motivate yourself and to achieve your proposals.
Number 4, Runa Thurisaz (the powerful), Hebrew letter Daleth (bent man), astrological element JUPITER, violet color.
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