In general it is a combination that combines the power of the emperor with renewal
of the trial.
Both cards can talk about the fact that changes and things will begin to emerge in your life that will make you
significantly improve your overall situation.
Especially in the professional, economic or
Supernatural spectacle or events, miracle.
A faithful love that overcomes a test,
someone helps us at a key moment in life.
Love: On a loving level, this combination indicates that you are facing the liberation of a relationship
that maybe I was oppressing you too much.
You can talk about liberation or rather about forgiveness and back
To begin with, it doesn't have to mean breakup.
If you don't have a partner, talk about what you need a change for
Show yourself differently or others, you will and love will smile at you, but for now nothing is stable.
If you ask about a person, there may be reconciliation and rapprochement.
Health: As far as health is concerned, it doesn't talk about any real problem, if only on the contrary.
The fact of
The fact that judgment appears can speak of a cure, or of getting out of a small related illness
with the head or spine.
In general, it talks about good health.
Money: You may get more money inflows or new sources of funding.
The combination of
These two cards are a guarantee of secure economic success.
Work: if we relate the meaning at the economic level, with that of the work plane, we could say
that there is a major renewal in your work.
It can be a rise in a position, in salary,
change of company or in general anything that improves your situation at work.
If you don't have a job
Still, you can talk about the presence of opportunities.
You may be called from a large company.
A lying lover is discovered. Yes, but out of his selfishness
Warns you that your partner could upset you or you could argue.
Bad choice in love or work.
The emperor symbolizes the desire for control over the environment, and its appearance in a reading often suggests that the subject must accept that some things cannot be controllable, and others cannot benefit from being controlled. As with all Tarot cards, multiple meanings are possible. While the Empress It is the feminine principle, the Emperor is the masculine one. Most individuals relate to this letter in the same way that they relate to their own father. Becoming something, getting to know something and being capable of something is what gives a person authority. Preserving inner balance and inexhaustible wealth, you must extract only the necessary things, so much spiritual as material. Spiritually, aim for higher goals. Mentally, build a logical and practical set of plans. Physically, act on objectives and plans. Emotionally, use courage to motivate yourself and to achieve your proposals.
Number 4, Runa Thurisaz (the powerful), Hebrew letter Daleth (bent man), astrological element JUPITER, violet color.
The letter warns of an important change in our life. We are dealing with a possible illumination, the find the new path to follow. The encounter of a person with their vocation. The Consultant may find himself at a crossroads in his future. You have to choose between two alternatives. The Judgment warns of the inevitability of one of them. The lies and deceptions of the past come to light: the time has come when justice will be done to everything. But with a spirit focused on forgiveness, on a new beginning. The card also represents the search for one's identity. We wait for that moment when you are on the right path.
Don't waste time; act quickly. Everything will work out perfectly for you. Locations: Radio stations, cinemas, airports.
Number 200, Runa Ing (The Renaissance), Hebrew letter Resh (head), astrological element PISCES, color mauve.
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