At a general level, this combination indicates a change caused by a situation
of control or stability in every sense of the word.
For example, if you were currently living quite a long time
tidy with your modest work and with your partner, the combination speaks of the fact that that life is going to change to
another and the characteristics of that other life will depend on the cards that follow death.
Love: this combination can have a double vision.
On the one hand, you can tell us that the
intransigence in a relationship will inevitably lead to a breakup and therefore a change of partner.
But on the other hand, it can tell us about a renewal in the relationship itself, all that should be seen.
Depending on the cards surrounding the combination.
If you don't have a partner, you're going to be able to get out of one
a rather “boring” and rigid situation in your life that will lead you to meet new people.
Health: Be careful with headaches and the nervous system.
It also notifies you of any
bone problems that may arise, in general it speaks of the nervous system, spine, etc.
Money: Your situation may change economically.
Since the emperor is behind death, this
It may indicate that you can go from a good situation to a bad situation, but for that we would have to observe
What cards follow death or what reading tells you in general.
Work: talk about a change of job or within the same job there may be a change of
It is usually for improvement due to the presence of the emperor.
If you don't have a job you can
Talk about a change of situation and therefore that you will find one.
Someone is hurting us a lot.
Someone helps us to stop a bad situation.
Person who betrays us.
The emperor symbolizes the desire for control over the environment, and its appearance in a reading often suggests that the subject must accept that some things cannot be controllable, and others cannot benefit from being controlled. As with all Tarot cards, multiple meanings are possible. While the Empress It is the feminine principle, the Emperor is the masculine one. Most individuals relate to this letter in the same way that they relate to their own father. Becoming something, getting to know something and being capable of something is what gives a person authority. Preserving inner balance and inexhaustible wealth, you must extract only the necessary things, so much spiritual as material. Spiritually, aim for higher goals. Mentally, build a logical and practical set of plans. Physically, act on objectives and plans. Emotionally, use courage to motivate yourself and to achieve your proposals.
Number 4, Runa Thurisaz (the powerful), Hebrew letter Daleth (bent man), astrological element JUPITER, violet color.
Death is a card of transformation. There is a definitive break with the past, there is a new start before us. This change can be traumatic if we oppose it, as happened to the king in the letter represented in the Rider-Waite deck. Or it can be a change in some way desired or accepted, such as succeeds the bishop in the same representation. There is no doubt that the Death card can mean the death of a person, or a serious illness. It doesn't have to be the consultant himself, more normally he will refer to a person from their environment. A change of city, leaving one job and starting a totally different one, ending a relationship that caused discomfort, these are typical situations in which the Death card can appear.
Don't hold on to old positions. A transformation is needed. Places: Cemeteries, mausoleums, crypts, caves.
Number 40, Runa Ansuz (the spirit), Hebrew letter Mem (the man), astrological element SATURN, color light brown
Tarot reading in favor and against shows the two different ways that a given situation has and which aspects are in favor and which ones are against
The analysis of any subject, when time plays an important role, can be carried out through this specific tarot reading.
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