Need to reflect on the destination that awaits us, they are approaching
changes in the situation you asked about and that are positive, but that should not lead you to
act hastily.
You must be prudent and not take rash steps.
Abandonment of loneliness.
The Hermit and The Wheel of Fortune represent an inner journey of discovery and healing.
This bodes well for you when times get tough.
Life: life cycles, healing, recovery, new beginnings, learning something new.
Love: Endings and beginnings, feeling alone, temporary changes.
Career: Changes in mood at work, detection of interruptions, noticeable desire to work alone.
Health: Possible uphill climb, obstacles along the way, the need to see life differently and recharge.
There may be times when you feel alone and others when you just want to be alone.
Either way, you use your time wisely and you know that this feeling won't last long, you'll see a new dawn.
Is a person who is open to others.
It indicates that not for now. Situation that is not progressing
Person who is afraid of falling in love again.
The letter has a clear meaning and with few possible variations. Reflection. On the one hand, the hermit's journey to knowledge and to the interior of oneself. It's It is necessary to open a period of reflection, which may be preceded or accompanied by a distance of others, necessary to achieve enlightenment. It can refer to a crisis in which we must dive headlong and confront our problems. The hermit suggests the path to follow: reflection, patience and humility. Loneliness. In relationships, it may indicate a period of loneliness. Either because it requires a Rest time for a couple, or a time in life when one should be able to lead one's life without supports. Selfishness. The hermit's letter can also refer to selfish attitudes and in which it is of living with one's back to others. As a person, you can represent an older man, normally an old man. Can be a teacher that he transmits his knowledge to us. Or a father who is too unloving.
Be wary of rash actions; be prudent and circumspect towards people and associations. Take time and reflect before you act.
Number 9, Runa Isa (freezing), Hebrew letter Teth (Well hidden), astrological element NEPTUNE, green emerald.
The Wheel of Fortune warns of important changes in the future. Faced with these changes, our The situation can be like that of any of the creatures that perch in it: we can go out benefited and go up, we can be harmed and go down or maybe stay in our position. The exchange situation is going to happen. Faced with it, we must be prepared, depending on our situation. consider if we can only hope to stay where we were. Or maybe it's the big opportunity that we always longed for. The Wheel is going to turn and it's important to realize that opportunity. In many cases it can refer to an event that we see that we are predestined to. By For example, because of an experience that we have experienced many times in dreams and towards which we feel that we are guide our lives. The Wheel is indicating that that time is going to come. In the same way, you can find a partner that you feel is “the chosen one”, a great person compatibility. This feeling, rather than compatibility itself, is what alerts the Wheel of Luck. It can also mean a stroke of luck, a lottery prize.
Number 10, Rune Perth (luck), Hebrew letter Yod (the original point, ensof), element astrological CAPRICORN, dark brown.
The Today`s Tarot will give you an idea of what your day might look like today. If you don`t like what it has to say, maybe changing your mindset to something more positive or ...
The analysis of any subject, when time plays an important role, can be carried out through this specific tarot reading.
earn the basic meanings of Tarot reading through explanations of the Major Arcane, Minor Arcane and Court cards in Thirteen`s Tarot Card Meanings.
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