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Combinations for The Empress and The Hermit

Combinations for The Empress and The Hermit

Combinations for The Empress and The Hermit

In general, this combination heralds you of the passage of a situation of abundance.
To a situation of austerity in the matter you're asking about.
For a moment you have everything up to date Next you have nothing left.
This change is usually voluntary.
It is very likely that you will leave a specific situation to focus more on yourself.
It is a warm love that changes the someone's life, the end of a long loneliness in love.
Love: Apparently it indicates the passage from a situation of union and love to another of loneliness and discouragement.
In any case, the power of the Empress as a positive influence can announce that if If you have a relationship, it will come to a greater degree of depth and understanding.
If you don't have a partner, I can announce that you are going to “retire” from the love scene on a voluntary basis and you prefer to be alone.
Health: Announce that you may have some problems related to depression or anxiety mainly because you want a life full of more abundance and love.
Money: On the economic issue, The Hermit is a card of “poverty”, but the presence of the Empress in First of all, it tells you that you may not have economic problems, but you will tend to be very stingy and cheap.
So little that you can even deprive yourself of things that you might like and that you will cause dissatisfaction.
Work: At the work level, it most likely indicates that you will leave a job or that you want a change deep in it.
It is possible that you will leave a very sweet opportunity to focus more on your issues.
If you don't have a job, you can announce that you'll find something interesting, but it won't fill you up at all.

The Empress Reversal and The Hermit

A disappointment makes us cautious.

The Empress and The Hermit Reversal

Woman who needs love.

The Empress and The Hermit Reversal


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The Empress References




If the Priestess is a somewhat cold and internalized woman, the Emperatriz is an energetic and strong woman. It is associated with the explosion of vitality of adolescence, in that one discovers one's sexual potency and one's situation in the world. As a woman she is a couple, not a mother or a friend. Sometimes she may seem cold, but that's because her role as Queen requires a model behavior. But inside she is a woman with very warm blood and overflowing vitality. She is a very active and vital woman, she can represent just that: we are in a moment of our life in which we are required to act decisively and forcefully. It's a very feminine card, but in the Marseille Tarot Jodorowsky, Jodorowsky highlights her masculine attributes, like a walnut: in most femininity there is something masculine and vice versa. The Ying and the Yang. Regarding pregnancies, it is the letter that can give the most certainty about their achievement. She is a fertile woman, who of life. The Empress is the card of a social person, with many friends and always aware of meet with each other. Everyone is counting on it. It is related to motherhood, marriage, but also with the power of synthesis, fertility, the concordance between what you think, what you feel and what which is done, in short, with applied intelligence and the materialization of projects in reality. The Empress teaches us to love. It is love that makes our lives develop and grow. Your one and only The end is to love for the pure pleasure of loving. Perfect love acts without thinking about love. She is the Goddess of Love unconditional. Without it, everything would be bleak and lifeless. Instead of darkness and doom, the Empress fills our life of feelings and emotions, of joy, happiness and satisfaction. It is the elixir of eternal life


If you act quickly, avoiding laziness and indecision, everything will work out just fine. Places: Schools, libraries, institutes, offices, shops, botanical gardens


Number 3, runa Berkana (fertility), Hebrew letter Guimel (The Camel), astrological element EARTH, Dark blue color.

The Hermit References




The letter has a clear meaning and with few possible variations. Reflection. On the one hand, the hermit's journey to knowledge and to the interior of oneself. It's It is necessary to open a period of reflection, which may be preceded or accompanied by a distance of others, necessary to achieve enlightenment. It can refer to a crisis in which we must dive headlong and confront our problems. The hermit suggests the path to follow: reflection, patience and humility. Loneliness. In relationships, it may indicate a period of loneliness. Either because it requires a Rest time for a couple, or a time in life when one should be able to lead one's life without supports. Selfishness. The hermit's letter can also refer to selfish attitudes and in which it is of living with one's back to others. As a person, you can represent an older man, normally an old man. Can be a teacher that he transmits his knowledge to us. Or a father who is too unloving.


Be wary of rash actions; be prudent and circumspect towards people and associations. Take time and reflect before you act.


Number 9, Runa Isa (freezing), Hebrew letter Teth (Well hidden), astrological element NEPTUNE, green emerald.

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