Indicates a change necessary for everything to go well.
Stable relationship that happens a
crisis, but it is something controllable, because of it there will be a separation, a rupture.
Not your projects
will come to fruition.
Major economic setbacks will unsettle you.
Indicate a relationship
stable that a crisis is going through, but it seems that it is something controllable.
You can report an accident with a
Transfer or transfer of a business.
Changes in love.
If we are in a couple, it is a crisis that can be solved.
These two cards tell us that a change is necessary for everything to go well.
Our projects will come to fruition.
It can also warn us of an accident involving a vehicle.
In love, if we have a partner, it is a stable relationship that goes through a major crisis that, if not controlled, may result in a separation or rupture.
If we don't have a partner, a change comes to us, which with these two cards alone, cannot be seen, we need a third card to know where the change is going.
At work, if we have work, the project we are involved in will not come to fruition.
If we don't have a job, we have a pretty sudden change in our circumstances, but we need the next card to know where the change is going.
Personally, it tells us about an impulsive person, who always gets away with it and who has very sudden mood swings.
In economics, it talks to us about a transfer or transfer of a business.
Male sexual impotence
Situation that is being drastically fixed.
Indicates that a couple loves each other but avoids dealing with a serious problem. It can do reference to problems in the musculoskeletal system
It symbolizes the man who, by the effect of his will, has managed to dominate the oppositions and has unified contrary trends. We are here in the field of personal action located in space and the weather. Fatality has been overcome; man has chosen, has taken care of himself and is the master victorious who marches head-on. Many times The car will appear, surprisingly, at times when that we are hardened by the anguish of believing that what we fight for will never be seen crowned with triumph. But if The Car shows up, it will always have its reasons; it's probably there encouraging us to continue in the same direction, not to abandon our efforts. The Chariot also represents the control of the human mind over animal passions and instinct, or more esoterically, the Higher Self over lower egos and psychological aggregates. It helps to overcome fears and complexes, and to overcome in our situations. In a print run, it can tell us that things will go faster than we expected. Often it merely indicates speed or also changes such as removals or trips, or even CELEBRATIONS.
Fight courageously and conscientiously to defend your rights. Places: The Overseas, the distant lands, the colonies, the Faculty of Languages and the Faculty of Philosophy, the import offices and export, airports, gyms, sports fields, racing circuits.
Number 7 (It is the most positive number of all, it is never negative and in all philosophies and religions it has a very important symbology), Runa Kenaz (The Fire), Hebrew letter Zayin (sword), astrological element SAGITTARIUS, turquoise color.
Death is a card of transformation. There is a definitive break with the past, there is a new start before us. This change can be traumatic if we oppose it, as happened to the king in the letter represented in the Rider-Waite deck. Or it can be a change in some way desired or accepted, such as succeeds the bishop in the same representation. There is no doubt that the Death card can mean the death of a person, or a serious illness. It doesn't have to be the consultant himself, more normally he will refer to a person from their environment. A change of city, leaving one job and starting a totally different one, ending a relationship that caused discomfort, these are typical situations in which the Death card can appear.
Don't hold on to old positions. A transformation is needed. Places: Cemeteries, mausoleums, crypts, caves.
Number 40, Runa Ansuz (the spirit), Hebrew letter Mem (the man), astrological element SATURN, color light brown
Love Tarot reading will help you find true love. You will be able to analyze in a better way any problems you face with your partner.
The analysis of any subject, when time plays an important role, can be carried out through this specific tarot reading.
Kabbalah tarot reading is a group of mystical concepts that precede any religions and it is considered a revelation from God to mankind.
earn the basic meanings of Tarot reading through explanations of the Major Arcane, Minor Arcane and Court cards in Thirteen`s Tarot Card Meanings.