It advises to go slowly and patiently.
Knowing how to manage our energies with
prudence and not to squander them.
The Force united with Temperance tells us about the necessary elements available to us to overcome small setbacks.
Adjusting and measuring our strength when it comes to acting in some area of our lives.
We will come to show our strong feelings towards our partner, something that will result in harmony and balance between both parties.
Understood and supported by new projects, we will lead these to achievements and good economic benefits.
In the case of working for others, we will share in these profits.
Health in perfect balance.
The Arcana indicate that there will be a season in which stress will be the predominant feeling, tensions will envelop the consultant, but since he will emerge triumphant from the subject being asked, he will later experience a period of peace and harmony that will leave him new.
It is a combination of the tarot that points out that after the effort, calm will come, it will be accompanied by the achievements achieved, but we should not expect everything to turn out as we would have liked.
It is like half-hearted triumphs that need a longer time to take hold, and this is the problem due to the impatience of those who have consulted the tarot.
In reference to love, La Fuerza y La Temperanza indicates a stage in which the consultant's desire, his nervousness, the desire to achieve what he wants once and for all, will be an enemy rather than an ally to achieve his goal.
Everything will come, these two major arcana of the tarot tell us, but in the time it has to happen, so don't worry.
This can be transferred to any question that has been asked at the card roll, the only risk being the irritability that you may have, which does not allow the energies to run their course towards a hopeful end.
Indicates that we have to take risks, but not too much.
Lack of optimism.
Temperance is a card that can refer to the presence of an angel. Someone who operates, sometimes from anonymity, for our sake. On many occasions it refers to the need to operate in a harmonious, balanced and moderate way. non let ourselves be carried away by the most rational thoughts or act in a purely emotional way. Saber find a balance. Our decision must be made knowing how to combine the extremes. Like the water and the wine in the glasses, you have to know what to use on both sides. Temperance, in reality, is nothing more than an indication of the problems that we must face and solve in life. If we are able to purify ourselves, Temperance will manifest itself in the form of help “from above”. It can be therapy, counseling, or curative treatment. So, we must go through Temperance in order to cleanse and purify our soul from negative karma. Temperance is, in In a way, a fogged up windshield: we need to clean it to see the road. It can also alert, be a call to restraint sexual instincts. Don't get carried away by a purely passionate relationship. Love is required. It is a card that always means good health, both physically and in terms of health with the soul, maintaining that well-being even if some time elapses after the good one disappears general condition. The Temperance card also tells us about healing when we have lost it and shows us the different forms of healing that we can access. Homeopathy is currently a very popular option respected compared to traditional medicine Acupuncture, hypnotherapy, crystals, the balance of chakras are others that we can turn to.
Number 50, Runa Dagaz (The Complete Awakening), Hebrew letter Nun (servant), astrological element AQUARIUM, color navy blue.
The meaning of this card is quite clear: strength in every possible sense. This is a person, probably The Consultant, who has the energy needed to lead others, start projects, create a forward movement. Courage and energy are its main attributes. The Force manages to unite mind and body, satisfy both, unite them and bring them together to achieve their objectives. This letter also refers to the most animal instincts in human beings: aggressiveness and sexuality and lust. The Force card can be seen as the sum of the Wizard and the sensuality of the Empress. It can alert you to a great desire to start a sexual relationship, to let yourself be abandoned by the senses. Of course, the menu for animal lovers, especially felines, also fits. The letter usually warns of the need to act without delay, without fear or absurd doubts. Advice from the Arcanum: Act alone, without hesitation; decide forcefully, wary of the protection of the powerful. Venues: Theaters, stages, places facing south, hot countries, deserts, sunny beaches, castles, parks. AFFECTIVE PLANE: Passion and tenacity in feelings, love, courtship, wedding, constructive insertion in a group or in a family. The consultant should have no doubt about the fidelity and sincerity of your partner. Intense and satisfying sexual activity. PROFESSIONAL LEVEL: New professional relationships are expected for the future; team activities, professions related to tourism and entertainment. Even if the work is heavy, it will be necessary try your best, without stopping trying anything. ECONOMIC PLAN: Commercial successes, lucky speculations, gambling profits. It is recommended persevere in negotiations or invest capital in gold or actions related to tourism and show. Decisions that must be taken without delay. HEALTH: Excellent health, energy that circulates well, vitality, resistance to disease. PERSONAL TYPE: An intrepid, disciplined and fair person between the ages of twenty and forty; an influential woman, willing to offer her help. A celebrity, an actor, an artist, a boss, a leader, a judge, an arbitrator. Children, teenagers, young people.
Number 20, Runa Tyr (victory), Hebrew letter Caf (power), astrological element LEO, color orange brilliant.
Think and write what concerns you. Ask open-ended questions. The Tarot will give you a response so that we can make appropriate decisions and solve problems
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