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Zodiaco, Horóscopo


The dates of each sign make it possible to know which sign someone belongs to only by knowing the date of their birth.

According to astrology, the date we were born defines our personality. Our characteristic features therefore depend on the sign of the zodiac to which we belong. Each one has a period on the calendar, and it is essential to know which one is our sign.


[August 23 - September 22]







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Since time immemorial Virgo has been identified with chastity and has formed the basis of countless myths. The Egyptians, for example, had Isis, one of the divinities they considered in a higher place, as a prototype of the qualities proper to this sign.

When the Sun, in its apparent movement, crosses the sign of Virgo, it is the time of gathering; therefore, in certain mythologies and religions, it is said to be linked to the birth of some important divinity.
The meaning of its representation has varied over time and, for example, in Mesopotamia and Greece it was considered as the intermediary between body and soul.

In some cultures Virgo is depicted by the effigy of a young virgin carrying two ears of wheat in her hand. For something it is a sign of earth and symbolizes universal spirituality and order.

In terms of personality, the Virgo are characterized by their extreme meticulousness and love of order. They are very intelligent and disciplined, do not flee from responsibilities and seek, as the ultimate goal, personal fulfillment.

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