According to astrology, the date we were born defines our personality. Our characteristic features therefore depend on the sign of the zodiac to which we belong. Each one has a period on the calendar, and it is essential to know which one is our sign.
Leo is the fifth sign of the Zodiac and has a lot to do with emotions, passions and everything related to the affective plane. Its symbolism has its origin and its base in the light of the luminaire that governs it, the Sun, and the strength that this planet radiates.
This reality of Leo is sometimes identified with that ancient King of Egypt, peaceful by nature, who tried to improve the aggressive habits of his subjects. The Egyptian people identified de Osiris with the Sun and Isis with the Moon.
However, currently this sign and its vigor is identified with the lion.
Other meanings throughout the history of peoples relate and identify the Sun and the lion. Thus, it is said that when the sun begins to be born it resembles a young lion and when it sets an old one.
Be that as it may, symbol of fire or king of his own, this sign symbolizes the king, the father. Authority and energy are the most marked characteristics of those born when the sun warmest.
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