2 of Disks
Change. Alternation of gain and loss. Equilibrium in the midst of change. Ability to adapt to new circumstances. Some complications. Unstable mood.
---------- Reversed ----------
Uncertainty. Difficulty adapting to new circumstances.
Free one card Tarot reading Yes or No, Tarot reading YES or NO is a spread that answers concrete and precise questions. The YES or NO Tarot reading, can easily remove your doubts...
The Today`s Tarot will give you an idea of what your day might look like today. If you don`t like what it has to say, maybe changing your mindset to something more positive or ...
The Celtic Cross Tarot reading is probably the oldest and most popular pattern for tarot reading. It has survived so long, because the layout of the cards is simple but powerful. A strong energy has built up around ...
The analysis of any subject, when time plays an important role, can be carried out through this specific tarot reading.