The angels that appear on the cover follow the structure described in the texts of the Medieval Christian Gnostic Tradition, where there are 72 guardian angels divided into nine choirs of eight angels each.
Each letter indicates, along with the number, the Hebrew name for the Angel, the planetary formation to which it belongs, the ruling planet, the key word that summarizes the task, the area of interest (emotions, health, work, fortune ... .) and divinatory importance.
Click on each card to see it in detail
The Crossroads Tarot reading is generally used when the consultation is about an issue with two different ways to select when we are really ...
One of the most enriching readings and for free. It provides specific advice on each subject: love, health, work, trips, business, relationships, money and so forth. Get it now
Think and write what concerns you. Ask open-ended questions. The Tarot will give you a response so that we can make appropriate decisions and solve problems
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