[VI] The Lovers
Union, decision, choice, marriage, love, the union of opposites, attraction. Balance, openness to inspiration. Harmony of the inner and outer aspect of life.
---------- Reversed ----------
Disorder, failure, danger of a broken relationship or a wrong choice, quarrels, infidelity. Emotional instability. Dangerous temptation.
Free one card Tarot reading Yes or No, Tarot reading YES or NO is a spread that answers concrete and precise questions. The YES or NO Tarot reading, can easily remove your doubts...
The Celtic Cross Tarot reading is probably the oldest and most popular pattern for tarot reading. It has survived so long, because the layout of the cards is simple but powerful. A strong energy has built up around ...
We all have or have had inside us unresolved feelings even though sometimes we are not aware of them. Inconveniences, difficulties and complications ...
We propose a fun game for you to learn an interpreter each of the tarot cards, it is very simple and entertaining.