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What does the future hold for me?

What does the future hold for me?

The Tarot will answer these questions

The tarot is a sacred oracle that communicates information through symbols, images, numbers, letters and colors. The Tarot answers by virtue of how the question is formulated, therefore, a clear and concise question will obtain an answer of the same quality

  • What does the future hold for me meaning?
  • What things will happen in the future?
  • Whats does future mean?
  • Where does my future lie?
  • What does it mean when your ex says you never know what the future holds?
  • How do you know if your ex is still in love with you?
  • What lies ahead spelling?
  • What is the future life?
  • Why is the future important?
  • How do you plan your future?

  • Now the Tarot will give you your answer


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    Awakening my spiritual Gift

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    The Star Tarot Card

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    Here, the Hierophant becomes the High Priest, Wheel of Fortune becomes Wheel of the Year, and Judgement becomes Karma. Based on the traditional Rider-Waite-Smith deck and filled with images that speak to today’s magickal practitioner,...


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