



Tarot Deck

Tarot Seven of Cups

At Seven of Cups, a woman will stop before seven glasses full of various gifts. Some glasses carry desirable gifts, such as jewellery and a victory crown. But others have gifts that are not gifts at all; instead, they are curses, like the serpent or the dragon. Clouds and cups symbolize man's desires and dreams, and the different gifts inside suggest that you have to be careful about what is desired, because not everything is what it seems. It is necessary to make decisions, but in doing so, you should go beyond illusion and attractiveness and instead concentrate on what is right for you.

It is easy to worship the gods of efficiency and neatness. We like clipped guests, alphabetically sorted file systems and time management: the Emperor's world. We admire order in all its forms and want everything to be perfect. The Seven of Cups provides balance. This card represents everything that is sloppy, unpractical and lax.

When the Seven of Cups appears in a reading, it is important to observe carefully how disorderly its situation is. Is everything too controlled and regular? You may need to let things crumble a little bit more. When a rigid system breaks, there may be a huge liberation of creativity. The Seven of Cups is amazed by all the options he has.

On the other hand, if you are in a chaotic situation, it may be necessary to tighten it a little. No one is happy and productive in a fool environment. Regularity gives structure to life. Taken to the extreme, the looseness of the Seven de Copas can lead to bad patterns of decay, addiction and complacency.

Sometimes laziness applies to your thoughts and dreams. It's easy to want something, but it's not so easy to make it a reality. When you see this card, be sure to back up your plans with work and effort. Squeeze your life and commit yourself to doing whatever it takes to achieve your goals... even if that means (sigh) clean the house.

In a general context, the Tarot Seven of Cups card represents having many options to choose from or multiple possibilities open for you. It can be an indication that you have so many choices or so many things happening at once you may feel overwhelmed or unable to concentrate properly. You should limit the amount of things you're assuming to a manageable amount. There is no point in accepting to do things if you can't give them the time and attention they deserve.

Try to be realistic about what you can commit. The Seven of Cups can also mean that you may be giving in to illusions, fantasies or living in a world of dreams. When this Minor Arcana card appears on a Tarot reading, it indicates that you need to make a decision in your life and look realistically when you are. Take proactive steps to improve your situation rather than fantasize about what you want it to be. Your imagination is a great tool to help you visualize your future, but it will never happen unless you take action to make it happen.

The Seven of Cups embodies emotional confusion. What are your priorities in life?

Sugerencias de Tarot Seven of Cups:

Aspectos negativos de Tarot Seven of Cups

Awake dream, fantasies, escape, pretend, lose control of reality, no opportunity to advance, neglect of the spiritual side

Palabras claves de Tarot Seven of Cups

different options, illusions, fantasies, dreams, clutter, carelessness

Unique tarot deck LosArcanos.com

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Ace of Cups

Two of Cups

Three of Cups

Four of Cups

Five of Cups

Six of Cups

Eight of Cups

Nine of Cups

Ten of Cups

Page of Cups

Queen of Cups

King of Cups

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