



Tarot Deck

Leo Weekly Horoscope

Week from july 21 th to july 27 th

Your Tarot cards for this Week


For those born under the sign of Leo, the week of July 21 to 27, 2024 presents great opportunities for growth and personal fulfillment. With the Sun entering your sign on July 22nd, you will feel full of energy, enthusiasm and confidence. The Moon filled in Aquarius and Pisces invites you to balance your personal desires with collective needs. In addition, Mercury entering Virgo on July 25th will help you to be more analytical and meticulous in your communications and decisions. Lucky number: 9 Clothing color: Gold Best day of the week: Monday

Career Horoscope

The Hierophant

In the work and financial environment, The Hierophant indicates the importance of listening to and valuing the opinions of others. This is a great time to collaborate and learn from those around you. Don't underestimate the power of teamwork and shared knowledge. Tip: Give credit to what others are saying.

Love Horoscope


In the loving and social sphere, Temperance suggests that you find the middle ground and show moderation. For couples, it's important to maintain a balance between giving and receiving, seeking harmony in the relationship. Singles should be patient and avoid rushing, allowing connections to develop in a natural and balanced way. Tip: Find middle ground that shows restraint.

Health Horoscope

The Devil

For health and well-being, The Devil suggests that you may feel tied against your will, either because of unhealthy habits or an emotional situation. It's crucial that you recognize these ties and work to break free of them, seeking support if needed. Tip: Recognize what binds you and work to free yourself.