



Tarot Deck

Capricornio Weekly Horoscope

Week from july 21 th to july 27 th

Your Tarot cards for this Week


Capricorn, this week will be marked by a focus on your long-term goals and on consolidating your efforts. With the entry of the Sun into Leo on July 22, you will feel renewed energy and confidence to face challenges. The Moon full in Aquarius and Pisces invites you to pay attention to your emotions and to balance your personal needs with your responsibilities. Lucky number: 8 Clothing color: Emerald green Best day of the week: Wednesday

Career Horoscope

The Hierophant

Learn to listen. In the workplace, The Hierophant advises you to be responsive and to listen carefully to your colleagues and superiors. This week, communication will be key to advancing your projects. With the entry of Mercury into Virgo on July 25, your capacity for analysis and organization will be strengthened, allowing you to manage your tasks more efficiently.

Love Horoscope

Wheel of Fortune

Rejoice in the good fortune of others. In the love sphere, The Wheel of Fortune suggests that this week there will be unexpected changes and twists. For Capricorns as a couple, it's a good time to support and celebrate your partner's successes. Singles can find new romantic opportunities unexpectedly, so keep an open and receptive attitude. Corporation The energy of the full Moon in Aquarius will help you connect with friends and strengthen your social ties. Take advantage of this time to surround yourself with people who inspire you and motivate you to keep growing.

Health Horoscope


Seek equality, be impartial and try to do what is right. The Justice card indicates that this is a good time to seek balance in your life. Pay attention to your physical and mental well-being, making sure you don't neglect any important areas. Keep a balanced diet and try to get enough rest to keep your energy at optimal levels.