



Tarot Deck

Tauro Weekly Horoscope

Week from october 20 th to october 26 th

Your Tarot cards for this Week


Taurus, this week focuses on transformation and self-knowledge. On October 23, the Sun enters Scorpio, your opposite sign, bringing with it a period of introspection and renewal in your relationships. Mercury also enters Scorpio on the 22nd, making your communication deeper and more strategic. This is an ideal time to evaluate your emotional patterns and how they are reflected in your relationships and in your environment. The Moon in the waning quarter in Leo on Friday invites you to let go of what no longer works for you, in order to make room for new opportunities. Lucky number: 4 Color of the Week: Emerald Green Best day of the week: Wednesday, October 23

Career Horoscope

Wheel of Fortune

In the workplace, “The Wheel of Fortune” reminds you that everything is constantly changing and evolving. This week you may feel that the circumstances at your work are out of your control, but if you become aware of the patterns and cycles that surround you, you will be able to adapt and take advantage of opportunities. The entry of Mercury into Scorpio helps you think strategically, detecting opportunities where others don't see them. In finance, it's a time of unexpected change. Stay calm, observe financial cycles, and make informed decisions based on strategy and forecasting. Tarot tip: “Become aware and discover patterns and cycles.” Take advantage of the changes to your advantage, without fear of what's to come.

Love Horoscope

The Star

In love, whether you're in a relationship or if you're single, “The Star” brings with it an energy of healing and hope. If you're in a relationship, this is the time to let love flow freely, without rigid expectations. Mercury in Scorpio facilitates deep conversations that can strengthen the emotional connection with your partner. For singles, this is a time of emotional openness, where you can attract meaningful relationships by showing your true essence. Tarot tip: “Let love flow freely.” Trust the process and allow the energy of love to guide you to greater emotional understanding.

Health Horoscope

The Fool

Regarding health, “ The Fool” invites you to apply the strenght of your will to improve your well-being. The transformative energy of Scorpio pushes you to explore new approaches to your health routine. It's a good time to break with habits that don't benefit you and start a new phase, more focused on vitality and freedom. The Moon The waning quarter in Leo encourages you to leave behind any unnecessary worries and trust your ability to make decisions that strengthen your physical and emotional health. Tarot advice: “Apply the strenght of your will.” Be confident in your ability to make significant changes to your health and well-being.