



Tarot Deck

Geminis Weekly Horoscope

Week from july 21 th to july 27 th

Your Tarot cards for this Week


For those born under the sign of Gemini, the week of July 21 to 27, 2024 is presented as a period of introspection and reevaluation. With the Sun entering Leo and the full Moon entering Aquarius and Pisces, you will have the opportunity to show your intelligence, ingenuity and insight, although you should be aware of the possibility of falling into nervousness, dishonesty and superficiality. The entry of Mercury into Virgo will promote clarity and order in your thoughts and communications. Lucky number: 7 Clothing color: Yellow Best day of the week: Wednesday

Career Horoscope

The Moon

In the work and financial environment, The Moon indicates that you may face moments of confusion and trouble thinking clearly. It's crucial that you don't make important decisions without having all the necessary information and that you seek advice if you feel unsafe. Tip: Beware of impulsive decisions. Take the time to clarify your thoughts and make sure you're seeing things clearly.

Love Horoscope

The World

In the loving and social sphere, El Mundo suggests that you will enjoy peace of mind and emotional satisfaction this week. Couples will find deep connection and understanding, while singles will have the opportunity to attract meaningful relationships that bring balance and fulfillment to their lives. Tip: Enjoy the peace of mind that mutual understanding and harmony bring to your relationships.

Health Horoscope


For health and well-being, La Strenght advises you to deal calmly with frustration and stressful situations. It's important to maintain a balanced attitude and avoid excessive worry. Practicing relaxation techniques and breathing exercises will help you maintain serenity. Tip: Manage frustration calmly and use relaxation techniques to maintain emotional balance.