



Tarot Deck

Virgo Weekly Horoscope

Week from july 21 th to july 27 th

Your Tarot cards for this Week


Virgo, this week is presented with a focus on self-evaluation and personal growth. The entry of the Sun into Leo on July 22 encourages you to reflect on your self-esteem and how you present yourself to the world. The Moon filled in Aquarius and Pisces invites you to connect with your emotions and find the balance between logic and intuition. In addition, Mercury entering your sign on July 25 will enhance your analytical capacity and help you to communicate effectively. Lucky number: 5 Clothing color: Navy blue Best day of the week: Wednesday

Career Horoscope

The Devil

In the work and financial environment, The Devil urges you to be aware of the temptations and distractions that can distract you from your goals. It's crucial that you stay focused and remember that love and passion for your work are the strenght s that can overcome any obstacle. Advice: The only strenght capable of overcoming evil is Divine love.

Love Horoscope

The Empress

In the loving and social sphere, The Emperatriz suggests a focus on caring for and nurturing relationships. For couples, it's an propitious time to strengthen bonds through mutual support and understanding. Singles can find satisfaction in meaningful interactions that encourage personal and emotional growth. Tip: Giving birth, nourishing by caring for and caring for others by appreciating the world.

Health Horoscope

The World

For health and well-being, The World indicates a period of fulfillment and prosperity. This is an ideal time to focus on your wellness goals and enjoy the fruits of your work and discipline. Use this energy to celebrate your accomplishments and move forward with confidence. Tip: Realizing your goals while thriving.