



Tarot Deck

Gilded Tarot

'Gilded Tarot', is a simple but exciting Tarot, created by Ciro Marchetti, with deep and intense colors, almost metallic, each card will have you looking at the images on several occasions.

[VI] The Lovers Union, decision, choice, marriage, love, the union of opposites, attraction. Balance, openness to inspiration. Harmony of the inner and outer aspect of life.


Disorder, failure, danger of a broken relationship or a wrong choice, quarrels, infidelity. Emotional instability. Dangerous temptation.

The beautiful and color-saturated imagery on the cards in The Gilded Tarot deck makes it stand out among others.

It is based on the Riders-Waite deck, which gives makes it appealing for those who appreciate the traditional model but are looking for a more visually striking option to fit their needs.



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Gilded Tarot

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