



Tarot Deck

Gilded Tarot

'Gilded Tarot', is a simple but exciting Tarot, created by Ciro Marchetti, with deep and intense colors, almost metallic, each card will have you looking at the images on several occasions.

[V] The Hierophant Wisdom, endurance, persistence, patience, help from superiors, good advice, a good teacher, organization, peace, goodness of heart. The card that represents you, in the form of your own, truest voice, your own inner-self. Dogma. Can be lawyers.


Tendency to over criticize or being unduly concerned with the morals of others. Incapable of dealing efficiently with practical matters, especially finances. Unconventionality, illogical, superstitious, unable to behave coherently.

The beautiful and color-saturated imagery on the cards in The Gilded Tarot deck makes it stand out among others.

It is based on the Riders-Waite deck, which gives makes it appealing for those who appreciate the traditional model but are looking for a more visually striking option to fit their needs.



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Gilded Tarot

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