



Tarot Deck

It will go well in love

The Tarot will answer these questions

Me and Love
Will Love go well for me?
Why am I not lucky in Love?
Why can't I find the Love of my life?


Tarot Questions:
Here are some examples of how to ask questions to the tarot oracle with the intention of making the most of your answers and messages.

Articles of the LosArcanos.com

It symbolizes persistence as this is the only way that you can make your dreams come true. The Page of Cups represents the unexpected inspiration that comes to us from the unconscious, perhaps in ways that we may not truly understand. In th...
Your astrological Astral chart is a powerful personal tool Your motivations, your challenges, your emotions, the way you love… these things are NOT an accident! Your birth chart , which is the specific location of the planets at the ti...
Gypsy Tarot History Gypsy tarot is a very particular one because it has deck different from the usual ones that are used in other tarots. This deck has a special symbolism, different from the rest of tarot’s decks, but its origin is linke...
VIEW ALL TAROT DECKS Many times when you want to enter the world of tarot, either because you start with a course or because you are attracted to cards and their magic, you get to buy your deck and you find yourself with a huge variety and ...
The Tarot and SexualitySexuality is all over the tarot. Lets face it, tarot readings are for adults. The main subjects in a reading revolve around relationships.Sexuality is as primal and instinctual in us as the need to eat, sleep and brea...
Located in the sixth position of the gold suit, the letter that concerns us has strong messages for the client, which are governed more than anything by the number six as an associate of understanding, helping others and above all bein...
For centuries, tarot cards have captured the imaginations of seekers, providing them with insights into the past, present, and future. Among the numerous tarot spreads, the Celtic Cross stands as one of the most revered and enigmatic. In th...
Welcome to a fun and powerful environment for psychic training and testing with the famous Zener PES cards ! ESP stands for ” extrasensory perception “. The meaning is clear: to obtain knowledge through means not associated...