



Tarot Deck

Tarot Moon Garden

The Moon Garden Tarot is a feminine, magical and romantic Tarot with a symbolic and mystical expression that reflects the elements of moon magic.

[XII] The Hanged Man Fortitude, wisdom. Self-imposed limitations. Voluntary sacrifice leading to new insight or initiation through tribulations and ordeals. Redemption through sacrifice, loss. Prophetic power. Suspended decisions. Choice requiring contemplation


Arrogance, egotism, resistance to spiritual influences. Absorption in physical matters. Wasted effort. False prophecy. Failure.

This Tarot joins elemental magic in an enchanted garden full of butterflies, unicorns, castles, fairies, mystical creatures, lush jungles, mysterious caves and exotic flowers.

The lunar energy is felt in each arcane of this wonderful work. The inspiration for this Tarot says Welcome to my real kingdom of Fables and Magic.



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Tarot Moon Garden

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