



Tarot Deck

Ibis Tarot

Ibis Tarot presents Egyptian figures, symbols and hieroglyphs with beautiful landscapes, and is based on the designs published in the book Practical Astrology by Comte C. de Saint-Germain.

[XIV] Art/Temperance Careful consideration, patience, moderation, adaptation, tempering, self-control. To temper, to combine, to exercise self-restraint. Patience, bringing together two opposites carefully blending them. Good marriage. Working in harmony with others, good management. Something is brewing. Great talent and creative involvement. Striving for Transcendence through works. Alchemy. The union of opposites refined by the fire of the Will.


Disorder, conflict, unfortunate combinations, quarrels. Possibility of shipwreck.

The Ibis Tarot maintains the basic structure of most tarot decks, but the names and symbols reflect the culture of ancient Egypt. For example, the 3 card is Isis-Urania instead of the typical empress. El Loco has been replaced by number 22 - the crocodile. The court cards are the Master, Lady, Warrior, and Slave. Each card of the minor arcana has its own number that appears in Roman numerals.



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Ibis Tarot

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